Update: This painting just won First Place in the Waterloo Fall Juried Show!! I'm so excited. Our juror was national watercolorist Judy Greenberg. The opening reception and awards will be presented Sunday, November 6th at the Northwest Hills Gallery. Yippee.
Sorry to take so long to post again. I've been really involved with the Round Rock Arts group and all the great upcoming events. I wish I had more hours in each day or an assistant. Ha This is another full on abstract creation that combines watercolor, ink, painted collage papers and some calligraphy. I had a great deal of fun painting it; now it's time to share. I hope you enjoy it too. BTW, please mark your calendars for next weekend's 2nd Annual Chalk Walk event. The streets will be blocked off and hundreds of artists will be in town painting the streets. There's a great plein air art exhibit at ArtSpace, so stop in and take a look. We are turning in to a real artsy town!!!