Saturday, August 23, 2008

"Golden Pachyderm"

I'm reading the most amazing book right now about India. Even though there are no elephants in the book, I was inspired to paint this fellow. Don't know where this stuff comes from!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

"Canyon Ranch - Spring"

This is my version of a classic Texas spring day at Canyon Ranch. A couple of years ago when we actually had rain, the hill country was beautiful. This painting was done from one of my photos that year. Thank you Carol Marine for nominating me for the "Arte y Pico" blog painting award. I have had some new visitors!!

"Colorado Barn"

Oops - I accidently deleted this, so I'm reposting. This is a painting of an old abandoned barn we passed every day on our last trip to Colorado.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

"Friends" - SOLD

Who are these handsome gentlemen?? This is so much fun trying to capture the right parts and pieces and still recognize the person. This is another acrylic. I like this medium for this type of painting because it dries so fast and I don't have to wait to keep going!! Fun, fun, fun. THANKS STEVE FOR YOUR CONTINUED ENCOURAGEMENT & SUPPORT FOR MY ART WORK!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

"Self Portrait #1"

Not for Sale. Who is this pale faced woman?? I had so much fun doing this! It's my "Warhol" version of myself. It was amazing how much could be left out and still read with identity. It was so much fun, I'm going to paint my husband in similar style.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

"Evening Dogwood"

On this painting I experimented with some deeper. darler colors trying to get an "evening" effect. I also played with the brushstrokes, using almost all vertical strokes on the background as a counter to the horizontal branches. Your comments are welcome!!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

"Odyssey" - SOLD

Don't ask me why - can't tell ya. . .another mood painting. It's a 16x16 acrylic. I don't do much acrylic. This is one of the few and I thought I'd share it.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

"French Gate"

This one's hot off the old easel - finished it today. It's from another photo taken on the last France trip where, once again, I'm fascinated with gates & doors leading to ???? This could easily be right here in Austin. We do have similar rock and plants, but it's really from a small town in Provence.