This is a big one - 20 x 30 full sheet acrylic. I decided to tackle the water media again and created this image out of my head this past weekend. It's multiple layers of paint with some of my happy colors. Very messy to paint - had it going everywhere but enjoyed doing it. Hope you enjoy it.
Email from Bobbie sent 7/16/09:
Vicki, Vicki, Vicki.....................this is stunning.........another one of those "takes my breath away." Would love to see this one up close and in person. I'm glad to see that you are doing some larger paintings, too. And just out of curiosity, how much would this one be?
Email from Glenda sent 7/16/09:
I would love to see this one live and up close! Looks great! Glenda
Emai from Nancy sent 7/16/09:
It is beautiful.
Nancy Vandenberg
My favorite happy colors, too! Love the reflections.
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